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Ismary Gonzalez

  • female
  • In a relationship


A person who is fond of learning everyday, something new :). A person that doesn't get bummed out because of something that went wrong, but instead pushes that aside to get something better out of it. A person that can show you a smile, when inside she might be Breaking Into Pieces. A person that can love you for an entire lifetime if you treat her right. A person who just doesn't give up on you even though you've failed a thousand times. A person that will stop everything just to listen to you when you most need it. A person who is far more that what you could imagine if you just talk to her. This person is Me ♥(:


  • American Career College - Los Angeles

Favorite saying

  • ""The simple things are the most extraordinary and only the wise can see them" - Paulo Coelho "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies"- Aristotle "When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."- Dr. Seuss "In order to be old and wise, one must be young and stupid.""

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