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Spiritual seeker, lover of life and committed to living life to the fullest (with my husband Ken)! Dedicated to helping others realize and live their highest potential! Mother of 3, I'm a Bio-Kinesiologist, I operate The Life Enhancement Center, offering Complimentary health services to clients in Powell River and Victoria, BC. Co-creator of the GIFT Process with the love of my life, Ken Shannon. Married August 13th, 2010! What a joyful year!


  • Brooks Secondary School
  • Max Cameron Secondary School

Favorite saying

  • "Be The Change You Want To See In The World” Mahatma Gandhi Do it or not, there is no try - Yoda Live long and prosper - Spock You Are What You Think! Say What You Mean & Mean What You Say! YOU Create Your Reality (yes, ALL OF IT!)"

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