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I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities. Life is a huge Deal. I try not to sweat the small stuff. But sometimes it gets to me. Colors Fill my life. Dull is too boring. I am indecisive. Food is hard for me to go without. Friends mean the world to me. I have my doubts about things. I have my ups. And My downs. Talking on the phone is not my thing anymore. I Hate money. Ruins things. And People. Pictures fascinate me. Art, wonderful. I goof off. I sometimes wont seem like a happy person. And sometimes im not. I like adventure. I make memories.


  • Kvcc
  • Delton Kellogg High School

Favorite saying

  • "Without any warning, the disease sweeps across the country like a traveling circus. People who were once blue, who slouched from carrying a bag of misery over one shoulder are now clinically cheerful. Symptoms include kind gestures, a bouncy stride, a smile bigger than a slice of cantaloupe. You pray that you will be infected, hope a happy germ invades your body and multiplies, spreading merriment to all your major organs like door-to-door Christmas carolers until the virus finally reaches your heart: that red house at the end of the block where your deepest wishes reside, where a dog howls behind a gate every time that sorrow pulls his hearse up the driveway."

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