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Official page at For Bookings contact Assets Agency Twitter @ShahiraBarry ♥ Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's learning to dance in the rain... ;) ♥ Rest in Peace beautiful sadhbh Love you forever: I dont think I'm ever going to believe that all this is true :( Love you so much gorgeous pocahontas!x! some lives form a perfect circle, others take shape in ways we cannot predict or always understand. Loss has been part of my journey. But it has also shown me what is precious. So has love for which I can only be grateful ♥ x ♥ "There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Love life and have FUN because lets face it no1 gets out alive ;) Chase your dreams and don't ever let anyone tell you you CAN'T do something or your not good enough to succeed- let it be water off a ducks back as their words say more about their own insecurity!-This goes for people who try to put you down as well. Be yourself and be true to who you are! Keep healthy- exercise, eat healthy and look after yourself.. you only have one body-don't smoke or do any drugs!! Treat others how you would like to be treated, try not to bitch or be nasty to anyone... you dont know when they will be gone from your life forever. Jealousy is truly the green-eyed monster... why envy others... it wont get you anywhere in life except feeling bad about yourself.. be happy for who YOU are and love yourself... sounds corney and bigheaded but no1 will love you if you dont love and look after yourslef. Be careful who you trust- Don't think your morals are a reflection on the morals of others. Don't take anything for granted!Appreciate and Love life-It can suck sometimes and everyone has down moments in life but remember "what does not Kill you Makes you Stronger" and makes you into the well-rounded person that you are ;)- (Christina Agulaira's 'Fighter' is a great song to listen to if you're ever feeling down (handy tip :P haha) I like to listen to it when I'm working out in the gym-Very motivating ;) ) Don't wish anything bad on anyone- Bad karma!- Just live your life for you!x! Lastly remember the only person who can achieve your dreams-Is you!!If you really want something don't give up until the day you die-You'll regret it if you do-and also that is where jealousy arises when your jealous of so1 mostly because their doing something with their life you wish you were doing-Be determined:You will get knocked down a lot on your way to where you want to be but get back up and try, try again!-Your life will feel a lot more fulfilled If you do ;) *SHOOT FOR THE STARS :) That's how I try to live my life :) I LOVE music it's my passion I have so many songs and artists that I love to listen too but I have always had 3 favourite songs in the world Juicy-Notorious BIG Dear Mamma-2Pac Life Goes on-2pac :) I am also a MASSIVE Michael Jackson fan-and Snoop Dogg 2 :) <3 <3 <3 90's r&b and hip-hop is the best <3 90's=the era of R&b :P


  • Mary Immaculate College

Favorite saying

  • "*I had this great urge… I had it the day I was born. Some may call it destiny. My parents and friends called it dismaying.* ~ Dian Fossey Quotes *Inshallah-It's in God's hands: What's meant to be will be. *Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. "A person can grow only as much as their horizon allows" "You can't be anyone else, you can only be YOU" *A beautiful person isn't anything without a beautiful mind* *if they don't chase you when you walk away keep walking! ♥ Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's learning to dance in the rain... ;) ♥ <3 you don't Love someone because their perfect, you love them inspite of the fact that their not <3 *Live and LET live "We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets." Marilyn Monroe ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. Happy people want others to also be happy but unhappy people hate happy people and want to make them unhappy >:p Pride Comes Before a Fall* *Never be satisfied until your Good is better and your better is Your Best* *Don't count Your chickens before they hatch*-This is one I struggle with sometimes... :P I always end up looking forward to something etc... and then I feel upset when it falls through :( So Im working on learning from this saying :P *Ya Win Some You Loose some*-because you don't win something does NOT mean you should give up and that your never going to succed *GET BACK UP ON THE HORSE!* :) Your aloud to be upset a little: give yourself that night to be disapointed and then pick yourself up and "SEE RED!"-SHEER DETERMINATION! **My haters are my motivators** I'd rather treasure an enemy who frankly says that she hates me.. than to keep a friend whose passion is to put me down secretly. *Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder* When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen. ♥"

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