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My family and real friends are the most important thing to me. school is close behind that with my dreams. I'm a lover not a fighter, but i'll fight if i had to. if you don't care to be apart of my life i wont care to be apart of yours. i do believe in a second chance, if you deserve it. dont try to abuse my trust. im forgiving, but i wont forget. - when the earth is at peace, there are no wars, there is no hunger, honesty courtesy and kindness are practiced by all. the world will never be more perfect.. but it probably will no long be our world..


  • Penn Foster
  • Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA

Favorite saying

  • "You laugh because I'm different,..I laugh because You'er All the same.. Dreams are only thoughts you didn't have time to think about during the day. Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep. Life is simple, it's just not easy. A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. The spot. Empty world. Fall in love with the empty girl"

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