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FAMILY IS Knowing there's somewhere we'll always belong, a place we can laugh, love, & share, it's hugs & support in our difficult hours, from some one who'll listen and care.. It's everyday moments & wonderful memories...OUR FAMILY IS OUR HEART..... Lots of pictures taken with the camera, but most are in OUR HEART & SOUL...

Favorite saying

  • "Love & Live Life Happy....♡♡♡ Each & Every Day is A Gift To Be Cherished...♡♡♡ Live Each Day, As if there is no tomorrow... Don't put off til tomorrow, what you can do today...♡♡♡ Enjoy Each Moment... We are Blessed with... Each Day Is A Gift....♡♡♡ I Am Grateful for Each & Everyday God has Blessed Me with...♡♡♡"

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