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  • Northern Arizona University
  • Maria Carrillo High School

Favorite saying

  • "everything i say is worth quoting. even this. someone should quote this. also 'i'll meet them. in bed."- Zack Moshier 'we can use them as black bahahahah"- Zack Not-Moshier "rainbows bam aliens bam" zack in the fourth kind 'FRESNOOOOO!!"-Margie, Jordan, Me, Rubin :D "psh..the B52's sang about love shacks...lil wayne makes love in a shack ;)' -Me in Las Vegas Me: 'if you ever want to un-block him you can' Sami:'well when i see a pig fly out the window i'll let you know" <3 'Well I have to say I love the feel of my beard so I think it would be cool if girls had beards and we could rub them together' Zackary Moshier 'sharing a snuggie? fine. sharing a cheetah print snuggie? now that just screams lesbo' Cooper 'and that's mister praying manits to you, bizfizzlenitch'- Jakers Birdsall 'hiking is just walking...where it's ok to pee. some times old people hike by mistake..'- demetri martin '..maybe i'll be the official fro-picker of Snoop Dog on a trike.'- Bri Mad 'as long as you stay true to those you're close to, you will never fail'- Matt Rich 'i'll get a sweet ass scar for you' -Chris Harmon 'you can use my knee for as long as you want...' -Samuel Herniman (british) 'just get like 50 people to go over a city and land on muggers and rapists.we should make our own company' COOPER SCOOPER 'omg they all cheated!' 'you gotta do what you gotta do to get ahead' 'that totally legitimizes everything i do in this class'-me and mr deakins 'yui yui yui bobbit and tom tom..extreme ironing...NAKED!'-big me, mini me <9 'ME:'but yeah it'd still be lame to be in the 'command module' although a position like that does sound like one for a real ladies man 22:43 Colin Metcalfeyyy especially because they get to connect the command module to the landing module in orbit, which is strangely reminiscent of sex' me: 'you think i live in a bubble? ahahahha Matt: obvi not, ud prolly accidently pop it' "we could have one zep and make sugar every day ;)" D. Solkov 'i mixed grafic sex with my true love for you' "hey dad what would you do with my college fund if i died?'...."i would probably buy an Aston Vanquisher 3' -_-"

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