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I am a very random person, and I tend to daydream a lot. My head is almost always in the clouds, and I have a very open mind. I believe in a lot of things, maybe just because I am very imaginative, and believe anything is possible, I don't know. My friends and family call me crazy, but that's just the way I like to be, 'cause to me, not being crazy is just too boring. I think being your own person is the best way to live, and taking risks is just another important part of life, and if you don't like it then oh well 'cause I'm not going to change because of what other people think of me. It took me a while to figure it all out, but I love myself the way I am, imperfections and all, 'cause nobody is perfect, no matter how hard they try to be, they just have to learn to kick back and relax, and enjoy life the way it is. Go out and have fun, 'cause you never know when it could all end.


  • Winnisquam Regional High School

Favorite saying

  • ""So we have a box of matches, a dry cleaners ticket, and an adress, what does that tell us?" "We can start a very small fire?" -Just like Heaven "Through dangers untold, and hardships un-numbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great. You have no power over me." -Labyrinth "'Ello!" "Did you just say hello?" "No, I said 'ello, but that's close enough." -Labyrinth"

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