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I am a single woman, by my choice. I live with a Cockatiel named Mello. I weigh 485 pounds. I am not ashamed of that fact. I accept who I am. True, I would like to lose some weight to be healthier, but I love my curves. I may not be the ideal size woman, but I still have a heart & I have feelings. I don't subscribe to the theory that to be happy you have to be a size 6. I can be happy the way I am. I'm sorry if you think I'm a big, fat waste of space. I know differently. You can find me on Twitter. @Auntjo75. I believe in God. I don't go to church. I believe that you don't need a building to worship Him. When it says to tithe 10%, I believe that money should go where it's most needed. Not to add another wing to the church, but to help feed the hungry, house the homeless & help those that need it. I would rather buy someone a meal, donate to a charity to help fight cancer, help build a house with Habitat For Humanity. That's what Jesus would do. He didn't preach in a building. He didn't charge for the word. I love my family & friends. I know that they love me. I am someone worth getting to know. Don't assume that since we are friends on here, that I wanna hook up with you. I am here to make new friends & reconnect with old ones. I am not on here to date, but I'm not averse to meeting a potential boyfriend. I don't have kids! I don't want kids. I also like cats, dogs & birds. I don't have Yahoo. You wanna talk to me, do so on here. I get all inbox messages sent to my cell phone. I read them. I am who I am. If you don't like it, unfriend me or don't friend me. Yes I speak my mind. It probably gets me into way too much trouble. I will not deny my Lord. I have an opinion & I will speak it. You may not like it. That's fine. There is a "block" button. I refuse to change my lifestyle to suit other people's ideals & images of how a person should be. If you don't agree, that's fine. I live my life for God & nobody else. If you don't like it, fine. As an American, I have the right to voice my OPINION without fear of persecution. It's my life. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me live it. I answer to only one person, God. He will guide my paths & if I do wrong, He will deal with it, in His time. Wanna give me advice? Fine. I will read it & take it into consideration. That doesn't mean I'll take it. I believe in the 2nd Amendment. If I feel the need to explain myself, I will. You may like me, you may hate me. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinions. I know that God loves me. So do my family & friends. My Mello has his own page, if you'd like to follow him. It's Mello The Cockatiel's Memorial page for Louie The Quaker Parrot. The page was Louie's, originally, but Louie crossed Rainbow Bridge October 28, 2012. ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED. POST TOO MANY AND YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.


  • BCTI
  • College of Hair Design
  • Tongue Point Job Corps Center
  • Mc Minnville High School

Favorite saying

  • "Yes I am and no you can't. Jesus is my rock & my salvation. Just because I disagree with you, doesn't mean I hate you or am afraid of you, it means I think differently than you do. You've never had a friend like me."

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