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Tis time to spruce this up. Twenty-something year old who digs neo-Victorianism and neo-Medievalism. Enjoys reading, underground music, taking walks in the woods on cloudy, wet days, and looking at 19th century post-mortem photography. Amateur mourning model in cemeteries and cathedrals with the aid of good company. Enemy of squirrels and house centipedes. Found out about by way of looking up methods of capital punishment in the middle ages. Usually wastes her time on nowadays. Prefers pumpkin cake and devil food cake over pineapple upside down cake and angel food cake. Believes that she was a dryad in a past life. Likes hard science; hates the math involved. Collector of gargoyles and butterflies. Wishes to play the harp, hurdy-gurdy, and hammered dulcimer. Was a victim of veganism for a month and a half. Sews for herself but hardly for others. Fan of works not aimed at her demographic. Wants a septum and lip piercing, but fears the needle. Will believe in heaven if her guinea pig and hamster Snowball will be there. Believes introversion is key. Wants to sleep upside down like a bat. Majored in sarcasm, minored in wit. Wishes that her room had stained glass, a torture chamber rec-room, and a bigger closet. Is single because of everything she just got through saying. Will be committed to a mental ward for referring to herself in the third person. Will not lie and say that she's "open to making new friends and meeting new people." Has only 72 FB friends because of this.


  • University of Michigan–Dearborn
  • Southfield-Lathrup High School

Favorite saying

  • "Quo? "... When I was a kid, no one would believe anything positive that you could say about black people. And that's a terrible burden on black people, because they don't have an accurate idea of their history, which has been either suppressed or distorted." ~ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, retired NBA player "... Because it's never-ending pie throwing time!!" ~ Finn singing the "Never-Ending Pie Throwing Machine" song "It's called a 'lance' - hellllooo!?" ~ From "A Knight's Tale" "Candy's overrated. Bribe them with ultimate power!" ~ Motivational poster on pedophilia featuring Orichimaru Ron: "Hang on!" Harry: "I'm trying! Your hands are all sweaty!" ~ From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry: "Hey! My eyes aren't glistening with the ghosts of my past!" ~ From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire "Dinosaur EATS man... Woman inherits the earth." ~ From Jurassic Park "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in the world. It'd be a pity if you damaged yours." Wesley speaking to Buttercup as she is about to commit suicide, The Princess Bride Inigo: "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die!" Rugen: "Stop saying that!!" ~ Inigo and Rugen fighting to the death, The Princess Bride "From now on, you are no longer butterflies: You! ARE! MURDERFLIES!!!" ~ Brock Sampson, The Venture Bros. "I find it to be quite livable. Is perpetual twilight really that bad?" ~ Midna, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess "When I woke up, I went on what the movie advertisements referred to as a roaring rampage of revenge. I roared. I rampaged. And I got bloody satisfaction." ~ The Bride, Kill Bill Vol.2 "If you meet God, tell him to LEAVE ME ALONE!" ~ Guts defeating Mozgus, Berserk "Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!!" ~ Calvin on hedonism, Calvin and Hobbes "Thank God for self checkout!" ~ You are 0% Extrovert, 100% Introvert "Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! We're doomed!!" ~ Gir being a lovable retard, Invader Zim "For millions of years, man thought the moon was made of cheese. In 1969, we went there and discovered it was made of rock. We haven't been back since. Behold, the Power of Cheese." "'The Messiah'? You mean he's like - 'Kung-fu Action Jesus'???" ~ Sokka from Avatar Abridged "Submission... [That'd be a great name for a Muslim rock band.]" ~ Leonidas, 300 Rifftrax version "Hey, hey, Scrap! Why ya talkin' like you're about to vanish at any second?" ~ Issun tempting the fate of a doomed piece of a paper named Tobi, Okami "NEVER LEAVING ANYTHING UP TO SPECULATION AROUND THE INTELLIGENT!" ~ A Really Smart Neuro-Scientist Chick"

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