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Temporary message: I'm shy around strangers and i rarely add people sooo why don't you say hello since you are here and reading this. Btw, i'm an artist/actor, i did gymnastics, i <3 sports, hanging out with friends/family and just live life and slowly work towards my goals. :)


  • Berkeley City College

Favorite saying

  • ""We...are not really free if we can't control our own government and its policies. And we will never do that if we remain ignorant." --- Charley Reese "True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else." --- Clarence Darrow "The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other--instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals." --- Edward Abbey "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind." --- John F. Kennedy "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." --- Albert Einstein "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." --- Albert Einstein "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." --- Alexander Hamilton "The key to being a successful artist is that you must be observant as an eagle and patient as a sniper." --- Sergei Chelombitko Jr. "Поехали!!! (Let's go!!!)" --- Yuri Gagarin, first man in space. "A friend is not someone you meet over night, on Facebook, or on a way to school. A friend is someone who has proven herself/himself through a period of time by her/his words and actions and who always stood by you and experienced what you had experienced, otherwise, they are just people you know, nothing more, nothing less." --- Sergei Chelombitko Jr."

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