Lenardo Eightmore Simpkins
- Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Language: en_US
- Phone: (SSG) - LTVXQ - 015
- male
MINDSTATE: VERY DETERMINED AND MOTIVATED, FOCUS AND OUTGOING, LIFE TOPIC: MOST ATTENTION TOWARDS MA MUSIC...ATTRACTED TO ALOT BUT REPEL FROM TOO MANY SWAG: FAT FLY AND FLASHY!(NOT REALLY FAT LOL) LIFE GOALS: EXPENSIVE MUSIC PRODUCER SUCCESS The wrong to play wit! im a outgoing kind of guy superchill plain and simply but not ordinary. My life is fastlane based, in and out alot of ish far as drama, friendships, heartbreaks, live shows, music videos, crazy collabs and mugga!but of course! the three words that describe me is money music and motivations...why because i got plenty of it!