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you wish you knew, but you have no clue. -------------------------------------------- Definition: Vianna (vee-ahn- uh) ( N.) - A successful, independent woman who knows what she wants in this world. She will not stop until she is satisfied. She never settles for anything less than everything. This girl knows what she is talking about and can easily intimidate you. She speaks her mind in every situation. She stands up for what she believes in and won't stop until she is finished. This woman is always on the top of her game; whether that is in school, work, or family. She thrives on what she has and she won't stop until she reaches the top.

Favorite saying

  • "I only got friends cause I killed all my rivals.... In this world if you cant swim your bound to drizound. And IF you FALL! PICK your Punk ASS UP! Love my attitude, love my vibe, love my aggression, and love my pride. Envy my integrity and my heat cause in reality you could never compete. I do my own thing and shit; I love it and if youre jealous, good; I think nothing of it. “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!” ― Bob Marley Everything I ever needed to know I learned by killing smart people and eating their brains."

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