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i like having fun..i do crazy thing just to make people around me laugh..i think im friendly and easy to get a long with..i love hanging out with people that I'm close with during my sparetime.. I love to shop its like a girls stress reliever.. I don't like to brag about myself all I got to say isfor u to try to get to know me well 1st before judging me..

Languages used

  • English language


  • Kester Grant College, Phils.
  • Blue Ridge Community College
  • RAMON MAGSAYSAY High ScHooL - España, Manila

Favorite saying

  • ""There is a difference beetween walking away from drama from being scared of dealing with the situation.. " "I'm a big believer of things happening for a reason and karma".. "Life is too short to be unhappy" -my bestfriend- Jenni Kile "my way of moving on is to pretend you don't exist" - Me..."

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