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To the Woman it may Concern, This is the way it is and the way it has to be. I believe in love, Its power I won’t doubt. But do to the pain, I live without. I may not have found the right one yet, Is she out there, This! I may be willing to bet. I can’t live with only three quarters I have to have the whole damn thing! I deserve all that I need And won’t take less than what I want. I can go with the flow, as long as it goes my way, Courtesy and honor will be given as long as you stay. I take rain checks as long as they’re paid in full I put up with little white lies as long as they don’t come with a lot of bull. I expect “No” to be the final answer, as long as you agree. I can give and I can take, eye to eye is how I like to see. I’m kind of different, some say a little strange, A we bit naughty, and sometimes a little pain. I dream out loud and whistle Dixie. That doesn’t mean I need someone to fix me. I want to sleep when I’m tired, and play when I’m not. Conversations about us when we’re happy instead of when we’re hot Sex in the shower and pillow fights on the bed. Normal is for people who are dead. My words belong in your ear, not behind your back. Say it to my face if your going to attack! I can turn the other cheek, Peace is what I seek. Not with you, But within myself! Anthony T. Massey


  • El Centro College
  • Richland High School

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