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sometimes you need to change your element,to see more clearly who you are.. :) Sometimes That I lose myself that's when the tears come. So many things happen so far it always came back.. মাঝে মাঝে নিজেকে মনে হয় অনেক বেশিই চিনি। আবার মাঝে মাঝে মনে হয় নিজেকে চিনিই না। ঝামেলা আর আকস্মিক সুখ নিয়েই জরজরিত এ জীবন। :) :(

Favorite saying

  • "life is like a box of chocolate, u never know what you're gonna get. "yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift..... that's why its called present""

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