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I Loove my caring crazy funny Husband (Alejandro) I LoVe You Mi Flakito!!! He is not only a great as hubby but a wonderful daddy for our son Eder!!!! My world is complete now that I have them and its truely been a blessing being all together :D

Languages used

  • English language
  • Spanglish
  • Spanish language


  • C C Winn High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Respect is earned not handed to you in a golden platter." "Love is infinate you just have to know whos going to share it with you for the rest of your existance:)" "Marriage was not everything I thought is was going to be. It is even better now that I have my better half:P" " I know who I am so Love me for me or hate me forever " " A simple act of kindness could move mountains so get up get out and help those who need you!""

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