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Truth Be told, I'm a pretty rad chick not in that cocky way but in that like shes so retardedly funny its hard not to love her kind of way. I live my life as if im stuck in a romantic comedy I love chick flicks and horror flicks Love making people laugh I randomly dance and sing horribly out of key whatever song is playing in my head Im in love with love I get way to intense when it comes to movies mustaches are the key to my heart Music is everything its therapy its expression its life in every form Seriously i might be over dramatic and crazy and probably really annoying at first and maybe even clueless but once you give me a small chance its hard not to fall in love with my wittiness....I promise

Languages used

  • English language


  • Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design
  • East Hollywood High School

Favorite saying

  • "life isnt about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain"

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