Matalena Perelini Sea
- Language: en_US
- Phone: (SSG) - LTVXQ - 268
- female
A DIVINE MISSION FROM ABOVE- to lead the world to the future in Peace and prepare the world for the "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ. I AM the "Messenger of Peace" to the world to redirect the world to the truth. Messages are coming through from the other side of the veil in the spirits of Elijah and John the Baptist. My character is of Mary Magdalene who was with the Christ when He was on Earth. I am not an angel from the sky for no angels dwells in the physical realm. This is a spiritual mission for the world and it was foreordained to me from the beginning. This is a "DIVINE" mission and no Man refutes a divine calling from the CREATOR. God only needed a "clean heart" and recognize that I know nothing. If I know something its because I know nothing.The Bible is to be greatly used at this time to redirect the world for it contains all truths of the "Savior" Jesus Christ and His mission in the world. I AM the "Hermit" and I AM the "Least of the Least". PEACE TO THE WORLD. What are you hiding from people? July 29, 2009 at 6:42pm Matalena took the What are you hiding from people? quiz and the result is Emotions You tend to laugh and joke around when you are with everyone, but you feel lonely and empty when are all alone. you cry alone when you have stress and problems. you often have many problems that are bugging you, but you never show them out on your face. you are not as cheerful as they thought, but you just don't wish to spoilt the mood of everyone, hence you hide your emotions inside. you are just a weak human with feelings afterall July 4 at 7:10pm What is God's gift in you? July 29, 2009 at 6:45pm Matalena took the What is God's gift in you? quiz and the result is A TEACHER Your destiny is a teacher. A teacher is a person who can inspire someone else to be interested in a subject. Someone who is enthusiastic about something; to impart the knowledge of; to give intelligence concerning; to inculcate as true or important; to exhibit impressively; to direct, as an instructor; to manage, as a preceptor; to guide the studies of. Teaching is one of God’s highest callings for His children ... ask God it might be you ! July 4 at 5:02pm · Well, I am a Teacher hahahahahaha. Now this is not a coincidence. This is Destiny -hahahaha. Thank you. Matalena took the What Bible Character are You? quiz and the result is Elijah You're somewhat of a loner. You prefer to challenge others on your terms. When the confrontation doesn’t work the way you want you may get depressed. The good news is that you have inner strength that few people possess. July 28 at 6:41pm Matalena took the what Bible verse best describes your life? quiz and the result is Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.--You are great at putting your trust in God. Keep following him and you will be amazed at what he does. July 28 at 6:34pm Matalena took the What does your birthday say about you? quiz and the result is JULY! Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. July 24 at 4:22am Matalena took the What animal is your spirit guide? quiz and the result is You are guided by Panthera Leo : The Lion. You’re the protector, a Guardian in the midst of chaos. In times of struggle many look to you for guidance. You are strong and carry yourself as a leader, even if you do not realize it at the time. This causes undue stress on you. Unwittingly you carry the worries of others on your shoulders. It is just natural that your strong personality be the dominant force of all interaction. But do not let that go to your head. Make sure to take some time to step down from that high perch and let others have a few moments in the sun. You are fiercely loyal and protective of those you care about. At times this seems like a burden, and weighs you down. But the Lion is here to show you how to continue leading yourself and others into the future. Concentrate on the strengths of the Lion and remember that even when things are tough, it is never too late to find a secluded place to rest. Remember that it is okay to remove yourself from a tense situation. You do deserve time for personal reflection. July 23 at 11:16am · Personal comment----So one day during my Senior year of high school- as I was walking toward the office to run an errand for one of my teachers and I met the Principal-Sister Margaret-she stopped me right in front of the Cafeteria and said- " Matalena , I can see the whole school on your shoulders." Well I was a Prefect then- maybe that was what she meant. The way I walk is not to insult anybody- it is the way the Creator wants me to walk. Matalena took the What kind of mom are you quiz and the result is "Middle of the road kind of gal". You're really the most ideal kind of mom to have- You're not too strict, you're not too loose. The kids know how to have fun at a playdate, and you're not ripping out your hair worrying all of the time about airborn germs and fingerprints. You keep your kids clean and well maintained yet they have fun getting dirty too. You keep your house picked up, but you don't have a home air purifier system and sanitizing wipes stashed in every nook and cranny. Your kids play well with others because they have manners but they're also relaxed enough to make friends. Good for you! June 30 at 8:52pm Matalena took the Are you normal? quiz and the result is Pretty Normal! You're pretty normal. You have some quirks, and tend to go crazy out of nowhere sometimes, but you have the ability to control yourself and not do something too embarrassing, so you're good. It's all good. June 19 at 7:59am For sure that is true of me. Sometimes I like to dance whenever I hear music and some people think I am out of my mind hahahahahahahahaha NOOOOOOOO-thats normal ----its all good. Matalena took the What color are you? quiz and the result is You are Yellow!!! You are smart, joyful, and happy. People of high intellect favor yellow. June 10 at 2:16pm Matalena just had their name interpreted at Fortune Product's Destiny Number Generator!--5 Free Thinker You hate constructs and thrive on freedom! Change is something that you always should embrace and not fear. Clinging to the familiar is not something you have problems with. At times it may seem that you rush blindly into a situation but you do keep yourself open to change and new opportunities. Challenge and adventure help you realize your ultimate happiness. June 10 at 10:29am Ox horoscope July 29, 2009 at 6:48pm Matalena is a Ox The patience of the Ox is proverbial. Calm and dependable, they like to take things slow and steady, including romantic relationships. Oxen are not likely to flaunt open declarations of love, for their passions are not easily roused. Love grows over long periods of time, but once cultivated, is not likely to diminish. July 1 at 12:16pm Very true of me. Enjoy reading it hahahaha. Matalena completed the quiz "What's Your Bible IQ?" with the result Bible Scholar. You really know the Good Book! Good for you! . June 24 at 9:00am · This quiz reminds me of my DAD. When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my dad makes us read the bible every Sunday after church. He would sit with his belt or a 2x4 and ready to beat the crap out of us if we mis-pronounce a word. We would wrap our blankets aroud our bodies so we dont feel the pain when he does his thing hahahahahahahaha. There were 6 of us (brothers and sisters). Each of us reads 1 verse at a time. I would count which verse would be mine and practice before my turn so I dont get hit hahahahahahahahaha. Then he would sit there and explain what the scriptures meant. Thank God I still remember everything that he taught me despite the pain hahahahahahahaha. ITS ALL GOOD PAIN-NO PAIN NO GAIN HAHAHAHA. I love you DAD. May you rest in Peace. What kind of person are you? July 29, 2009 at 6:35pm Matalena took the What kind of person are you? quiz and the result is "The quiet one". You don't talk much. Most people don't really understand you well, because they are either too lazy to talk to you, or are too arrogant to notice you. You are passionate, and understanding, but logical, and have several friends. Most people come to you seeking advice or help. July 4 at 7:32pm Life symbol. July 29, 2009 at 6:40pm Matalena completed the quiz "What is your life symbol?" with the result the Peace Sign. You are the Peace Sign, the friendliest of all the symbols. You try and get along with everyone and most of the time, you succeed. You love colors and circular shapes. Bringing joy to everyone in the world is your goal, along with ending world hunger, war, and making world peace. You work hard for what you get and deserve it. Don't give up with your plans. =). True most of the time -90% hahahahahaha. The natural man kicks in sometimes about 10% hahahahahaha. J une 24 at 7:22am