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Never take someone for granted Hold every person close to your heart Because you might wake up one day And realize that you've lost a diamond While you were too busy collecting stones. I am a very merry and sociable person; I like to communicate with different people. I am kind, honest and intelligent. I think that the mutual understanding is a most important thing between people. I would like to communicate with the mutual understanding. I'm easy going, friendly, and very positive. There are so many things you can say but I'll let you ask.

Languages used

  • Arabic
  • English language


  • Qaim Secondary School

Favorite saying

  • "Why did I Embrace Islam? This is an extract from Dr. Gronier, a French MP, who embraced Islam. Revealing the reason of embracing Islam he said, I read all of the Ayat (Quranic verses), which have a relation to medical, health, and natural sciences that I studied before and have a wide knowledge of. I found that these verses are totally compatible with and give a picture of our modern sciences. Thus, I embraced Islam as it was obvious that Muhammad revealed the Absolute Truth more than a thousand years ago. Had every specialist, artist or scientist compared those Quranic verses to his own specialization, beyond the shadow of doubt he would embrace Islam, especially if he has a sound mentality and goodwill to search for the truth and not a mentally defective person with the intentions of malevolent aims."

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