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MEEZY!.. cousin by blood, sisters at heart. i love her more than walmart seriously, NO WEEZLY. Y U P P; "i dunno, ask my doctor" where's the chapstick? disturbia; lights on,lights off, lights on,lights off funny funkers(: happy birthday / congratulations / your fired butterfly GO AWAY I WRITE SCRIBBLY ALL THE TIME, SO IT GOES PERFECT ! TP is in the paper family, i was either going to draw a news paper or turn this into a robot. stephanee, stephanee stop it ! all seriousnessnessness now, stephanee marie grunden, is the most amazing cousin a person could have(: <33 weezly


  • Ohio University
  • Ayersville High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Do you love me? Are you playing those love games with me? I took home economics.""

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