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Who am I? I'm awesome that's who, one of a kind, honestly you'll never meet another person like me i'm different that's for sure, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours, you stab me in the'll probably get it right back ten-fold, but I'll be the first one to nurse you back to health, metaphorically speaking sarcastic really knives are for cooking, or throwing, or playing a ninja. Awesome father, hard worker, gamer (hit me up mostly PSN, don't do online too much but its there), cosplayer as well as prop/costume builder, projects enthusiast, cook and cleaner, with a good beer in one hand I'll grill your steak medium rare come inside and paint our nails together which my favorite color is purple, have a few close friends always looking for more. Everyday is a new adventure which i'm still learning as I go, love nature and every kind of music, industrial electronica is big right now for me, don't do the club or bar scene, I could keep going but wheres the fun in that, get in here and ask your own questions i'm an open book, now if you'd excuse me some strawberry ice cream and nail polish is calling my name.

Favorite saying

  • "*Gabriella skyrim: 'What a curious question. Well, I enjoy moonlit nights, taking long walks on a beach, knitting and unicorns. In fact, I once took a seaside stroll, on a moonlit night, and discovered a unicorn...which I proceeded to stab in the throat with a crochet needle. I'm a woman of refined, yet simple tastes' *You should have been thinking instead of thoughting. *You can crap in one hand and wish in the other, and see which gets filled first. *Once a cheater, always a cheater. *You know that that tiny voice people have that tells them to quit when they're ahead? You don't have one! *Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar. I am a 400 foot purple platypus-bear with pink horns and silver wings. *where was she hiding it? *Earl:Now dammit valentine look, I'm older and I'm wiser. Valentine:Yeah, well your half right."

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