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Facebook... bleh! Whatever happened to human contact.... Doing my part to live in this world best I can while doing the least amount of harm. I a dabble in a bit of this and that and just take it one day at a time. Otherwise... Just ask :P. No really. -.-'

Favorite saying

  • ""We are going to inherit this world, there's no doubt about that" -Buenaventurra Durruti "Those who die best are the ones who live most" para todos todo para nosotros nada (For everyone everything, for us nothing) -Zapatista Saying “A hungry Negro steals a chicken he goes to jail. A rich businessman steals bonds, he goes to Congress. I think that’s wrong.”-The Great Debaters. "We have a world of pleasures to win, and nothing to lose but boredom" - Raoul Vanegeim "Without power, knowledge is useless. Without knowledge, faith is tyranny. Without understanding, humanity is blind, and without all four, it is doomed" "I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves." -Che Guevara what scares them most is That NOTHING HAPPENS! They are ready For DISTURBANCES. They have machine guns And soldiers But this SMILING SILENCE Is uncanny. The business men Don’t understand That sort of weapon . . . It is your SMILE That is UPSETTING Their reliance On Artillery, brother! And the three hundred Volunteers Handling the crowds WITHOUT GUNS, For these things speak Of a NEW POWER And a NEW WORLD That they do not feel At HOME in. -Anise"

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