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Idk what can I say if your my friend then you already know me, I like to do anything I like to talk about anything and just about everything, I like Christian rock, soft pop and anything about love or life, I like to cheer people up by making them laugh and complimenting them I like to socialize alot but I'm not nosey so I wont go all up your business, I'm no gay ohh heck no I'm not Even though I may act like it haha just kidding, I play around alot when I'm around my best buddies, well let's not write an essay on me, even though I could cuz let's face it I'm that great ha just kidding I'm normal, lets just say I'm outgoing and I'll talk to anyone

Favorite saying

  • "IDK.........Im a one girl kinda guy if i had a girlfriend i wouldn't ever stare at any one else, i dont get jealous much but at sertain times the person who you love goes overboard and thats when my ego comes in, if i had to die for anyone it would be my family and friends, i put love infront of everything except God, i like to keep my family close but my passion for someone closer, love is like the wind, you cant see it but you can feel it and sooner or later itll build up and itll knock you off your feet, it can sweep you out of nowhere and itll always show its self to you and to her......Hello Operator, does Heaven have a phone number?"

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