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Growing up my father modeled how natural talent-based businesses thrive quickly and last long while my mother modeled what a godly mother looks like. Do not get me wrong our family was far from being perfect however these two dynamics were always part of my childhood. My five-year plan after college was to build my career, get married, start a family, and start a business. I was able to build my career, got married, and started a family however, raising our three children successfully & building my business like my Dad’s business was not an easy finding. Like most Jesus lover mothers I wanted to raise godly and successful children while I am generating income from home. Our first attempt to build our family business was a quick-stop store (like 7-Eleven ). For a few months we were immensely proud and excited then struggled to keep it going. We invested every hard-earned money from our 9-5 jobs and did everything and ended up closing it with a huge loss. It was devastating and painful and I decided to focus on our children and that is when I got introduced to homeschooling. As I always said while I was homeschooling our three daughters God started to homeschool me about personal leadership, management, goal, and strategies. Without knowing what my future would look like I named our three daughters Mekleet, Raee’, and Mattaniah which means talent, vision, and gift from the Lord. During our homeschooling, I gravitated to their natural talents, vision (dreams), and unique gifts. Most of our literature reading was focused on people who were a world changer and what their childhood looked like and how their character and ability were built, and how their natural talent played strong in good or hard times. As my interest grew in this kind of research, I started to discern our children's natural talent and did everything I could to nurture them. As a result, I watched our girls go to the middle, and high school discerning and gravitated to the right activity, club, class, and AP classes. They enjoyed their work that brought more creativity and performed high which helped them to pick the right college, majors, and internships. Today with God's mercy and grace they continue to be successful and enjoy the fruit of labor in the workforce. The interesting thing was as I was coaching them to stay in their strength and faith. I found my dream work which is to help curious youth and moms discover and optimize their strength-based success and happiness. When my youth went off to college I immersed myself in the best training I could find in the personal development industry and learned how to assist others as a success strategist through coaching /training/consulting skills. Again, with God’s mercy and grace I continue to thrive and ready to come along and help. Research shows only 13% of employed adults are fulfilled with their work while 87% stay unfulfilled. Not only that, other research shows 72% of college graduates do not work in the field they studied. Still looking for their creative bent & success while they are paying 30K to 50K students’ loan. Your youth do not have to be part of these statistics. Now a strength-based approach for success is embraced by high industry leaders and it is available for families such as yours. And I would love to share the 5-step process that can help you go from being lost, overwhelmed to raising a successful youth while your moms are discovering and optimizing your own strength-based success. All this with soaring your relationship with God. This also means no new-age tactics. How does that sound? Do you want to learn more? If so, direct message me with your email, and I will send you my FREE Priming for Strength Starter kit. Addie strives to teach by example and 90% of her clients testify that her teachings have inspired and provided them with tools to reach their goal and currently resides with her family in San Jose, CA.


  • The CaPP Institute
  • California State University, Sacramento
  • the bible academy

Favorite saying

  • ""I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phillipians 4:13"

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