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Not much to say, enjoy meeting new people and staying in touch with folks from the past. Its just unbelievable how time cruises by in front of our faces. When ur given an opportunity 2 redeem urself. Do it right! Don't mess it up, may be your last. Easy to get along with. Never been much of a whiner. I own what I have through hard work. I stand firmly behind those who love me ,and I do know who they are, and I help those who need a set of extra hands. I Have learned about some of lifes lessons, THE HARD WAY. I keep falling but I'm always getting right back up. Thanks to them though, they've made me a much stronger individual. "you find out the strength of your opponents by fighting them, not by running away"


  • Lynwood High

Favorite saying

  • "Sometimes the hard way, is the only way, to settle the score."

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