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Derin Uras

  • male
  • In a relationship


I am currently studying Marketing at Arizona State University. My goal is to one day help build brands that make a difference. Outside of school I like to rock climb, cook, and work on my Webflow skills.


  • Arizona State University

Favorite saying

  • ""Flowing, softly, in the wind. Breathing, gently, with her twin. Starting, slowly, with a song. Living, kindly, for you call. Taking, swiftly, all your kin. Grasping, firmly, to your win. Ending, quickly, at the bong. Dying, grimly, he takes all. Life is Bright, And death is dark. Try to find light At the heart Of the cross" "Am I crazy or is everyone else?" "The greatest minds talk of ideas and the smallest talk of people.""

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