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My Name Is Samaria Carol Lynn Harrison I Was born In a boring litlle city call Denver Colorado (and yes denver does have a ghetto lol) Im a Gemini i like to have fun I keep it as real as possible no one keeps it 100 but im pretty darn close lol I like to surround myself with people who are about it just as much as i am you gotta be doing somthing with ya self if you expect to get dealt wit I could go on and on about Samaria but this would be a 500,000 page essay and no short lil profile paraghraph is gonna sum up a person so hit me up if ya wanna get to know me =) ( 9times outta 10 if ya on my friends list you already kinda do lol)

Favorite saying

  • ""grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to endure the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference" "I'd rather walk through the dark beside you than alone in the light" "Just because your alive doesn't mean your living, so live it up like theres no tomorrow, laugh like a baby cause its a new sound, love like it doesnt hurt because life too short and if i wake up dead tomorrow I dnt wanna haunt this world with regrets""

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