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My sex score...17 By C henderson Start at 50 and add or subtract points as stated for each statement that applies to you... -Subtract 5 if You have had sex before. -Subtract 5 more if you have had sex with more then 5 people. -Add 5 If you have never had oral sex. -Subtract 5 if you have had or performed oral sex. -Subtract 2 if you have had sex in a public place. -Subtract 3 if you have done 69. -Add 5 If you have never had an orgasm. -Add 5 If you cant name 3 types/brands of condoms. -Subtract 2 if you have masturbated. -Subtract 3 if you have fingered/ given a handjob to someone else. -Subtract 5 if you have used someone for sex (one night stand). -Add 5 if You have never seen someone of the opposite sex naked. -Add 3 if you haven't been kissed in the past month. [At least not romantic or passionately. -Add 2 if you have never masturbated. -Add 5 if you have never seen or watched porn. -Subtract 5 if you have made your own porn. -Subtract 3 if you have participated in anal sex. -Subtract 2 if you have used lube during sex. -Add 5 If you cant remember your last perverted thought. -Subtract 5 if you have used sex toys. -Subtract 3 if you have had a perverted thought in the past hour. -Subtract 2 if you have kissed someone of the same sex Above75 means you kinda suck in bed. Above 50 means you are not so good in bed..and not so fun Below 50 means you are fun in bed Below 25 means you are damn great in bed!


  • Capital Community College
  • Thomas Snell Weaver High School

Favorite saying

  • "If you can't return the favor pass it can sometimes be magic but magic can be an illusion"

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