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i am 96% of rock music thankz to tech. and a micro chip implant! used to work for D.O.D. protecting the world from bad. now just a humble musical servant. i miss You girl and i will find You after i repair myself. i will retire the batman n me 4 u Doctor of particle phys·ics Quantum mechanics/Physics Musician TimeLord x - billionaire(funny story about that(still fighting over co. rights)) now just a mild mannered humble servant of the public. Helpless romantic!!! I'm The Doctor, My Grand-Father and Father worked for Hughes aircraft co. we wanted to bring mankind into the safe Jetson's age, instead of the age of the Bomb. i followed grandpa's footsteps and did top secret work for the Navy, but the nations do not agree on a Star Trek age and we can not afford peaceful wars, so i quit, and now do what little i can with music to make this a more peaceful planet ! Hope one day you would be able to play my music in your spaceship and everyone see the world in a better light ! Sincerely Q

Favorite saying

  • "i love you just the way you are !!! i love you unconditionally !!! Music is the Heart of our Soul !!! As Oscar Wilde once said 'The truth is rarely pure and never simple'. ("The Truth Is Out There," "Trust No One," "I Want to Believe") If you really want to know me, only as a Friend will i tell you everything... quote by rogeR(me) there's a fine line between genius and insanity ! there's a fine line between love and hate ! Saint Augustine said: Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum, which translates roughly to "With love for mankind and hatred of sins." Nisi credideritis, non intelligetis. which translates roughly to "unless you believe, you will not understand" a misquote of: The Sacred Bible: The Prophecy of Isaiah{7:9} Think globally act locally !!! (Think universe but clean up your own backyard) quote by rogeR(me) ..."there's something you'd better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it; I'm Definitely A Mad Man with A Box !" — The Eleventh Doctor "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff." — The Tenth Doctor Nice To Meet You Rose, Run For Your Life: — The Ninth Doctor"

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