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It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song. You can't believe it, you were always singing along. Hi, I'm Shae. :) I wish to fly. (I continue to wish for this every day. Maybe I should become a pilot?) I'm trying to find my place in this world, even if it is a quiet life. I just want to be happy. I will find happiness. <---just an update: I have found my happiness, and I'm grateful for every day, even the hard ones♥ I love to cook, and I will have my own bakery someday. Count on it. I try to be sweet, but I have a mouth on me. I smile like a saint, but I curse like a sailor. I make it a point to say excuse me, thank you, and please. Not many people have class anymore. I watch horror movies and I read romance novels. I still play Magic and video games. What of it? :) I love being mom♥


  • Mesa State College
  • Bloomfield High

Favorite saying

  • ""Sneetches are sneetches, and no kind of sneetch is best on the beaches." "I've been under water, breathing out and in. I think I'm losing where you end and I begin." "You got two jobs: Kiss good, and make sure my hair don't get wet." "We just f*cking met eachother. I mean, if you don't bust their balls a little bit, they're never gonna respect you." "My eyebrow... My F*CKING EYEBROW!" "Worrying is stupid. It's like walking around with an umbrella, waiting for it to rain.""

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