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�look before you fall.� i'm Rayne, i'm a military wife & i'm living life to the fullest. i have a mind of my own & im not ashamed of it! i trust very few, but its better than none! :) I don't like drama so don't bring it into my life. I'm a laid back girl, I ain't afraid to get down & dirty in some mud. i'm happily taken by the best husband ever & he just happens to be an army soldier. i forgive but i dont forget. I have no problem with bein different .(: i call it how i see it. first impressions stick to me pretty well! im not a fighter until you mess with my boyfriend, or family. i'm not perfect, so dont expect me to be. im a very picky person & i dont want anything but the best. god is my number one, i have all the people i need in my life & they get me through anything! Life is too short to be anything but happy, So kiss slowly, Love deeply, forgive quickly. Take chances & never have regrets. forget the past, but remember what it taught you. ♡



Favorite saying

  • "-''Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out, Keep You From Playing The Game." - "Be yourself, everybody else is taken." - "Live life with no regrets. Take chances & Make mistakes.""

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