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This is Neil and I taken in June 2014 right after our 47th anniversary. Born and raised in Oklahoma. Married high school sweetheart. Two wonderful but different children. We have been in Missouri for 42 years and could not ever imagine leaving. I love to fish, garden and play in the pool. We have 4 granddaughters(Alex Dixon,18, Maddysen Hiatt, 13 ,Lexi Black, 13 and Aubrey Popes, 9 in October) and 2 grandsons, Clint Black 9 and Howie Popes, 7 They are the light of my world. Have two dogs, Hanna & Bonnie Sue.


  • Ozarks Technical Community College
  • Ponca High School

Favorite saying

  • "So It Ain't Home Sweet Home, ADJUST The house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it. Put on your big girl panties and get over it."

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