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We sometimes let people get the best of us, destroy us, and change our opinions on what we believe is true. Only you know what is right for yourself. You have the power, you make the choices and you learn. Each experience we go through in life is a lesson to be learned. We all make mistakes. Why is that so hard for some to understand? No one should be judged by the mistakes they have made. It's past news


  • Manual Arts Senior High School

Favorite saying

  • "" Live for Nothing, or Die for Something" -John Rambo..." What dosent kill you only makes you stronger Couture"- The Expandables... "Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war." Frank Castle(The Punisher)... “Perdono al que roba al que mata, porque quizá lo hacen por necesidad, pero al traidor jamas” - Emiliano Zapata... “¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado!” - Emiliano Zapata"

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