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Casper Preppy junebug swans man. r.i.p. Suzzie Montondon i miss you. Don't stop quit. Watching over us angel. I will see you again. Make sure David knows i would have been the best step dad in the world to him. I am the guy that will drop what i am doing if i could to do anything for anyone. Even a stranger if need be, but fail to ask for assistance if i ever needed someone to referee in my own affair for my benefit. I have the most amazing mother in the world that has been my rock, backbone, lifeline, A1 decision making guesstimater ive ever know and i love her more than she could ever know for being both parents and so stong willed to raise us right with mannors and sense of self worth that i may hold my head up and look others in the eyes each day and be happy with who i am and content with life. Respect and acceptance goes deep to my soul from others .along with my self esteem and self worth. Others give me to much credit. Dont get it twisted. I believe i am a damn good person with a great heart, good hygiene, respectful to those who deserve it and turn the other way to those that i would rather take out 31 years of frustrations on but by the grace of God my faith and relationship with the man upstairs that is unbeatable btw, keeps me grounded and feeling a piece of self worth. Its not about the job i have or the fact im college educated i just prefer to leave the boring science stuff where i learned it. I have a soft spot for the elderly and if you touch my dog withought my permission i will break your hands. Yes i am one of those people that my Dog-son means more than most people. I have made many mistakes in my past but who hasn't. You know. Life can be very unfair to undeserving people such as myself who was sentenced to two years prison for entrapment. Why would the cops do this to an 18 year old anyways???? Thanks btw i was clean back then in college working at a nursing home making a difference but you need a qp..really cops? Really. Sorry just had to vent A bit about a past regret. More mature they say, take on the world alone they say, we are never alone thanks to God. I have never forgot to be thankful and certainly never stop believinn. I know piece and happiess overides evil and sadness anytime. If u can change someones mood make that frown upside down. Pay it forward; Then you can smile because integrity goes along way to Our father in Heaven. I am sure making someone smile was one of his first things he made us to do for other people. I work alot and take life as it comes i have been through what i wouldnt put my worst enemy through, but i feel im a survivor not a statistical victim. God had my back. Hospital bills, therapist's, shrink are to expensive and overated lol. Pause for the cause and call the man to take you to your max. Works everytime. Wanna know more inbox me all my peeps on the streets. Catch ya on the flip side. Never Forget love overides hate bullies suck ass and drop the mic. Random but inbox me. Rate my style


  • Lamar State - Port Arthur
  • Nederland High School

Favorite saying

  • ""Cherish each day as if it were your last, be thankful for your blessings and forgive yourself for your faults, God still loves us and he will not bring you to it if he couldn't get you through it"....... Not everyone is a bad person they just make bad choices"

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