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You know, different expeirences in life are changing you constantly. Its those who are broken down the most that can come out above and beyond who they use to be. And then there are some who sink to the bottom in self pity. I've been both of those people and have setteled for an inbetween. There are so many who have it so easy, its those who people who make themselves out to be perfect. Ive met, loved, lost so many people who just arent right in the mind, can't see whats actaully happening only allowing themselves to be right all the time. I don't get mad. I don't fight, I dont care about any of you. You think i ever bring up the past?I don't its buried. Ive moved on yet some people need to do all they can to hang on, to keep pushing and pushing , trying to tear you down. Its those people who just arent happy with themselves. There so mad for what youve done to them they can't remember that they've done to you. Hypocrites never suceed. Hypocrites are fighters. Theres some kind of glitch in there brains, id like to think that maybe its some mental illness that is cousins with holding grudges. I dont look at people for what theyve done, who theyve done it to, when, where, how. Just on how they felt afterwards. I like people for their hearts and humor, not their past and mistakes. I don't take time out of my day to upset someone else, If youve let me down theres a great possibility i'll still be there if you really needed me. I look past actions and concetrate on whats really important, whats really needed. Words are a terrible monster, if everyone only comunicated with their true feelings this world wouldn't be so heartbroken. Thiings happen, yakno? And once the situation is over things change, the people in the situations change, their new situations change them even more. You cant hold on forever, go back to what you lost, things can be different. If i Love you, i dont care what youve done, im here, ill always be here. Shoot me, go to prision for a few years, if you come out changed with a sincere apology then maybe we can get some coffee sometime. I make my share of mistakes, ive probably made your share and you share too. You think when i fuck up i just think"oh well, fuck it'. No i think shit. That was wrong, now I have to move on. Maybe it takes me a few times of fucking up to really realize the extent of what ive done, but i always realize, i always feel, i always care. I wont judge you, I don't care if your a slut, a prostitute, and player, gay, a drug addict. I'll look for youre inner person, theres always good inside everyone they just get so far down deep they take escape routes in different aspects. Theres reasons for everything everyone does, theres not right way out of a situation, people do things at the moment and if you blame them for that then you will never be a good person. You can't take back whats done, you cant rewind. You can only move foward. Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.

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