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  • Lemoore High

Favorite saying

  • "This is my truck. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My truck is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My truck, without me, is useless. Without my truck, I am useless. I must drive my truck true. I must drive straighter than the four wheelers who are trying to kill me. I must dodge them before they hit me. I will... My truck and myself know that what counts on this highway is not the gallons we burn, the noise of our horn, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the delivery that counts. We will deliver... My truck is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will drive it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its sounds, its lights and its tires. I will keep my truck safe and ready, even as I am safe and ready. We will become part of each other. We will... Before God I swear this creed. My truck and myself are the travelers of my country. We are the masters of our highway. We are the haulers of many tons. So be it, until every hour is driven and there is no more, but sleep! Written by Jason Stevens A Parody of "Rifleman's Creed" by Major General William H. Rupertus USMC"

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