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A many-armed Buddha told me it was a bad idea, but I didn't listen. Remember: if Buddha appears out of an endless void and offers advice, always take it This box is distracting isn't it? The World isn't going to end in the year 2012, I bet my life on it. The meaning of the universe is simple, what would you do for a Klondike Bar? I am Ryan Sly Nicholas: I could pick it up quick with a little study but its gone from my immediate brainpower 10:15pmMe: how fast does timmy go on a frictionless horizontal surface when he throws rocks out at 10m/s backwards for his wagon from 10:15pmNicholas:-10 m/s! 10:16pmMe:...also a raptor is chasing him so he starts at a velocity of 5m/s ps Timmy is jacked he throws 50lbs rocks 10:17pmNicholas: at the raptors? 10:17pmMe: of course As for political view the only representative of the Rent is Too Damn High Party is unintentionally a funny guy and he knows it lol things overheard from dance-off, "I enjoy sending erkel home with a hard on", classy place that nccc.

Favorite saying

  • ""I once killed a bear with my own two hands. I ripped it to pieces and sold it for gold. And then I make a steel albatross and flew around the world. So, I've got that going for me" -philosophy on becoming a park ranger, Nick's friend (on Zhou dynasty)TA: The emporer called the entire Chinese army to amuse his concubine. Student:That's why you don't keep prostitutes at home. TA:The entire history of prostitutes summed up in one sentence After Alex Baldwin described Zebra's migration to the "putrid smell of hope": "So that means that hope attracts vulture swarms?" Stereotyping is necessary in life, if your friend eats a white flower and dies, then you stereotype that white flowers are bad to eat. -Kadim So here i was doing a science experiment in the porta-potties. And i noticed steam coming up from the liquid as I poured it from one container into the other. There's something funny about buffalo-Jason Mraz "I'm here to chew bubble-gum and kick ass. And i'm all outta bubble gum." -They Live I don't understand why, at age 13, i have to formulate these words into a sentence and tell to stop licking your knees! I don't see how that could happen. Didn't they have helmets back then? How does a Turtle propel itself 5 feet into the air and hit you in the head?? ~ Jim Jake, look those ninjas are stealing the old man's diamonds old man: gimme back my diamonds- adventure time Ben: "what's going on? Abe..Abraham Lincoln? Abe: "your brain has been transported back in time and to mars" Ben: "what?" Abe: "that doesn't matter now all that matters is that you believe in yourself" Ben: "NEVER!!" -adventure time I’m not sure why a chicken would buy a microwave. It actually seems quite counterproductive if his main goal is to avoid being eaten.-unknown After Twelve long years of therapy, my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. "No hablo ingles".-unknown "What're ya buyin"-creepy Resident Evil 4 merchant. Q: Can you give me some information about hippo racing in Australia ? (USA) A: A-Fri-ca is the big triangle shaped continent south of Europe . Aus-tra-lia is that big island in the middle of the Pacific which does not .......... oh forget it. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Kings Cross. Come naked. Q: Can you send me the Vienna Boys' Choir schedule? (USA) A: Aus-tri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-man-y, which is ........ oh forget it. Sure, the Vienna Boys Choir plays every Tuesday night in Kings Cross, straight after the hippo races. Come naked. Things overheard at cabaret: Kyle Shreve: wat up sheriff woody? (to Mr. Vallas) Comment in program: "Sweaten up your love with Scooby Doo" The Pope: Where did this pope come from? Whose pope is it? Wait does the hat come off? Why does the hat come off? What's in the pope? ...The Pope's not empty..."

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