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Janice C. Lapping

  • female
  • Married


"Be Kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle within ~~~ Be Thankful for what you have today, because it could all be taken away tomorrow" I love being around happy people, I have gone through alot in my life in these past 2 years, my whole world has changed drastically, but by God's loving touch, my family & friends I have managed to survive by just taking one day at a time & Praying for God's continued blessings each & everyday! For those of you who don't know, my husband turned 50 (Oct 31st) & the next night (Nov 1st) @ 10:55 he died of a massive heart attack 20 mins after we went to bed..I will never forget that moment as long as I ladies/gents when you go to bed at night always tell your spouse you LOVE them like we did, because you may not have that chance again, we said I LOVE YOU & turned over to go to sleep not knowing that would be the last time we ever said it to each other face to face..... Then Nov. 29th (3 days shy of a year of loosing my husband) my mother takes her last breath as well..he died on Nov1 & I buried her on Nov 1 (1 year later), how strange is that.... ............Then I go back & play this all over in my head, My 1st mother-in-law Hattie Davis, died Oct 31st, My husband's b-day was Oct 31st; My husband died Nov 1st & My mother was buried Nov 1st........ Now here it is almost 3 yrs later an I have had a wonderful young man come into my life again....he has been heaven sent because he has gone through what I have an we have just clicked from day one, May 24th, 2011 @ 10:00 a.m. we became husband & wife in Las Vegas .....he has brought such joy into my life again that I never ever thought would happen again!


  • Thomasville High

Favorite saying

  • ""TO KNOW YOU IS TO LOVE YOU & TO LOVE YOU IS FOREVER" "IN LIFE I LOVED YOU DEARLY, IN DEATH I LOVE YOU STILL. IN MY HEART YOU HOLD A PLACE NO ONE COULD EVER FILL" "THOSE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE" I had a Mama who made me laugh, wiped my tears, hugged me tight; watched me succeed-saw me fail-cheered me on & kept me stong! Mama's are a promise from God that you will have a Friend forever"

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