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I live my life by the weather, this is who we are and this is what we do if you study the history of the human race, you will see that a large part of the time has been taken up with war, conquest , killing, and the struggle for power.. we have tended to worship as heroes those who could conquer and rule other countries , and we have wrongly educated each new generation to glorify killing and slavery, and to worship power.. there have been only relatively short periods when mankind has not been at war, when people could live their lives in peace and tranquility , but it was during these times that people created art , wrote poems , and sought ways to live longer and happier lives..


  • School of Hard Knocks, The University of Life

Favorite saying

  • "Trust me , it's paradise .. this is where the hungry comes to feed. For mine as a generation that circles the globe in search of something we haven't tried before .. so never refuse an invitation , never resist the unfamiliar , never fail to be polite and never out stay your welcome .. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurt's ''YOU KNOW WHAT'' it probably worth it .. You hope and you dream , but you never believe that somethings going to happen for you , not like it dose in the movies and when it actually dose .. You expect it too feel different , more real .. ''I WAS WAITING FOR IT TOO HIT ME , BUT IT NEVER COMES'' .. I still believe in paradise but now at least I know it's not a place you can look for B/C it's not where you go , Its the way you feel in a moment in your life and if you find it .. That moment will last fore ever ... ''LEONARDO DICAPRIO'' the BEACH"

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