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Revelations 19:1-21 Pslam 147:1-20 ╔══╗ ║██║ ♫♪♫ ║(O)║ ╚══╝ ▬▬▬▬<░) "I mean I know the world has its own problems, but would it hurt for you to smile once in a while?" - She's All That "When you play with infinity, you get BURNED."- Bondi It doesn't matter what people think of you when you talk, but it does when you're serving God with a selfless heart. It doesn't matter what you can do, but remember that we are all servants of God, but He uses us differently to spread His word. Also remember that if you can't be what you want to be, you can still become a small leader in the future. Don't lose your sight on your goal. Dan Shin. November 23, 2011 via FB Chat.

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