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As the song goes , i'm a simple kinda man, i hate drama and stress, been a Firefighter since 1990 , back when i was young enough to run in blindly , i love engines and machines, i love kids their our future , even though some scare me, i believe in God, the right to own guns, and America if u dont thats fine opinions vary, i fix Atv's im not rich never wanted to be, im single have been most of my life, if you wanna change that , be the kinda woman that trys. If you wanna friend be a friend , im a country boy through an through, no time for city life. Hit me up for friendship or leave me alone with your BS .


  • Pickaway-Ross CTC
  • Paint Valley

Favorite saying

  • "it'll be alright in the mornin don't get excited"

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