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God is first and foremost in my life. I am a christian and try to live as Christ would want me to. He has blessed me with a loving husband, a wonderful family and amazing friends. I am fullfilled by the simple things in life. The warmth from the sunshine, a refreshing glass of water when I'm thirsty, a great potluck amongst friends, sitting on the porch lost in my thoughts, reading a great book, vacationing at the cabin up north, special moments with friends, watching your children follow their paths, etc. Not only am I blessd at home, but I am blessed at work as well. I manage The Grainary (a shop full of antiques, primitives, and vintage items) at Bench Farms. Here I am able to express my creativity through unique displays, decor and crafted items. God has led me to where I am today and I AM truly blessed.


  • Bedford Public Schools

Favorite saying

  • "Not a favortie quotation, but I like the bible verse: "I can do things through Christ who strengthens me.""

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