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" " 我不相信上帝同樣很做出意義由於你在相信他。 Fuel your Nuerol life. "An unbelievably powerful explosion launched the expansion of the universe some 15 billion years ago. The big bang layed the foundations of the first atoms, the first elements, first organisms ... first life... The foundation of the world. Our world then went on to develop gradually in the years that followed. It progressed from the evolution of organisms to the evolution of life and indeed humankind. As the human race developed, people discovered the world, the continents... Divided them into the countries, states, cities, streets... I-They created infrastructures, energy sources, M-industries and, of course, a wide range of technology. G-These developments succeeded each other at O-an ever faster pace year after year. I-Technology began to evolve more aggressively N-than people G-could handle physically, but above all mentally. T-This evolution hascreatedworldinwhichpeople O-are growing apart rather than coming together... K-This path does not lead us to the truemeaning I-of our existence. L-So we have to reverse the force and make our L-way back to the essence of life... M-There is only one way to discover theessence Y-of our lives... To gather knowledge about the core elements that make life possible... S-That's why it is imperative to return to the E-essense L-To learn about the existence and the function F-of the elements... These components are better known as... THE ELEMENTS OF LIFE! A living being that is the direct proof of the cohesion of the elements will be our guide on our journey along the elements... We have ensured a three-dimensional experience by using a specialized form of communication that we have evolved ourselves.... Music.

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