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My name is anthony garcia i graduated from tahoka high in a small town of (completly explanatory) T-Ho Texas. Im a BIG dallas Cowboys fan and i hope they win the superbowl this season :D. I Also Like playing Halo3, Madden 08, Gears of war, Assasains Creed, Test Drive unlimited, And Burnout 1-4 and i 'm the best at halo3 . and i also LOVE!!! -Drumroll-. My favorite sports are Football, Basketball, Baseball, And Sometimes Golf .I also like digitalph33rs version of Dues Ex Machina And Arby n The Chief. I also Like Other machinimas Like Pre game lobby, WOW in Halo, Deserted, and Other random funny retarted and actiony Machinimas. Im a recent furry or just learned the ways of the furry But any way as i was saying (Own..) im kinda new to the furry thing so dont go all , on me. My Favorite cars are The saleen, 69 Chevy impala , Lamborghini, Mersadez Benz, Konicsieg CCR, And the Dodge charger( SALEEN LOVE! man you bastard you mentioned my dream car @.@) So... You can just put it on your own bio though. (Oh...uhm.. right....>.> LIES! -runs away-) Ok that was awkward and wierd Now i listen too heavy metal (-from a distance- WE KNOW GOD DAMMIT!, any way i listen to heavy metal and alternative rock.


  • University of Phoenix
  • Tahoka High School

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