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...we born to love and to be love..not to be hurt.... ...oozy person ...kind ...lovable,hmm ...adventurous ...down to earth ...positive thinker ...religious


  • mariners polytechnic colleges
  • ...bIcOl cNtRaL aCaDeMy...

Favorite saying

  • "..sOmEtmEs YoU hAvE tO sWaLlOw YoUr PrIdE oCcAsIoNaLlY, bEcAuSe It Is NoT fAtTeNiNg aT tHe 1st pLaCe.. ..the hardships we bravely conquer ryt just half of the amount of happiness, that we'll experience in return...just kip the faith.. ..god will shower graces more than what you expected, not just because you asked for them...,but someone around you prayed and wished them for you.... ..all the bad things that we do to our life ,god is always there to help us and guide us through goodness and kindness,we must do our part to make changes ,changes for better not for worst...just keep in touch to god..,to attain prosperity. ..keep the faith and drop the fear, don't believe your doubts and never doubt your beliefs,life is wonderful if you know how to live..."

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