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In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. Hollywood Undead Soldier #126


  • Averett University
  • Portland Community College
  • West Albany High School

Favorite saying

  • "Hoomie if i hit you, you might never ever get up! -Will Smith It was the gum -Neserin Danan Avery: Grenade RUN!!!!!!! Brady: Thats what she said. Avery: How the hell is that what she said. Brady: It is, just trust me. "Is that a reference? -Avery & Heather "I've never once seen a pot plant walk into a school with a gun and drag a kid out, and believe me, you remember sh*t like that" -Kevintthoms ( ‎Aaron Howell: "Lasers active" Avery thinks to himself "Dad they're just headlights, calm down." "I'm kinda like Robin Hood in the sense that I steal from the rich, but I'm also kinda like a criminal, in the sense that I keep it...hope that helps." -Kevintthoms ( "I see Atheists are fighting and killing each other again, over who doesn't believe in any God the most. Oh, no..wait.. that never happens." -Ricky Gervais "I bet this things got Nitrous!" "No, Nitrous is for fags, this has cubic inches""

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