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Majors in the Past was Horses (Show) English or Western, Archery for the compitition, Sailing for the lack of vibration.I Have trained Horses and taught riders for Show and win, worked in the finance and investment world, then discovered the amazement of the Computers, watched the internet grow from command line to GUI and made it a profession, I have been maried twice, once with the wrong person and for 25+ years with the gift that God granted me, she is now half of me, or so it feels - though sometimes apart we are always togather in mind and spirit, We have been blessed with 3 children that we raised togather and a Son that I did not get to watch grow into a man, yet it is as though he has always been here, God has been good to me My current Obsession id the quietnes of Kayaking, again no vibrations, no interuptions, just the water my Kayak and me, occasionally my wife graces me with her presence in that inviorment.

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