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Jordan Brown

  • male
  • In a relationship


Pain Is Part of Life misery is Option Well my name is jordan this iz my story..... "to all them people that think it cool to be in a gang its not but if you think its cool tell me this do you think its cool to wake up and to hope and pray that them gangsta or hatas wont try to hurt your family or you.i had to think about that until one day i said fuck it then it was all to late my family member got shot by someone thinkin he was in a gang because he was around us now its like damn i gotta worry about someone seeing me with my family know there tryin to mess with my lil cousin damn.I aint tellin you people that you have to listen to me but if you think its cool just think about what can happen to you or your family and friends. all tha people I grew up with includin me were or are bangers- my whole family. I'll tell you now we've either died in it or always wished ta get out of it. I never met anybody who was really out of it. they may have got out tha gang but not tha drugs or violence or jail or poverty. once you're in you're never out. this isn't a cool life, it's a piece of shit one an I hate it. "i'm looking back at my life... now 17 years old... wondering what I banged for. i still got my blue flag tied on my bedpost and my dreads in my whip... but nothing will eva be the same. i lost my best friend when i was 15 and just recently i lost 2 of my boys. kids that didn't deserve to die but did, or color wars. blue, red, gold, black... it don't matter to me anymore. everyday i think of all the things that were taken from all my homies that passed. all the lives shattered by their decisions. all the possibilites for them... gone. if i could take it all back, i would. i would have died a hundred times over to let my brothers and sisters live... but i cant. all i can do now is tell u to drop your flag. start your life over. "Rest in peace to all my loved ones caught in the battle of the streets. Bullets took all your lives and it's still hard for me to accept it, but when I look your way an you're not there, I have comer to realize and accept your loss

Favorite saying

  • "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley"

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