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Hello, and welcome to real folks 101... May the peace and blessings of God be with us all. And may we represent all that is good. Welcome to my page. If you are not a fake, fraud, or phony; you are welcome. If you are seeking friendship & networking, you are welcome. If you are seeking madness, check yourself into a asylum... THEY got pills for that, I DO NOT. My page is an open forum for openminded an intelligent people to discuss life as God gave us, the spirit within us, Love as we feel it, happiness as we all want, joy that brings us laughter, and yes, pain and sorrow too, as we need this from time to time to grow. Peace and blessings of God be with us all...

Favorite saying

  • "A man who is a one who doesn't have to say so... - My Greatgrandfather"

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